Microacoustic Sensors Laboratory
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Re-Expansion Method for Circular Waveguide Discontinuities: Application to Concentric Expansion Chambers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Accepted for publication 2012 Feb; 131(2).
Ramini AH, Younis MI, and Miles RN. Modeling the effects of PCB motion on the response of microstructures under mechanical shock. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics accepted for publication, at press 2011 Sep.
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. An analytical-numerical method for determining the mechanical response of a condenser microphone. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2011 Dec; 130(6): 3698-3705. PACS number(s): 43.38.Kb, 43.38.Bs [AJZ] pdf
Wagoner S, Cui W, Jones WE, Klotzkin D, Meyers G, White Jr BE. Experimental modules introducing microfabrication utilizing a multidisciplinary approach. Proceedings 118th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2011 Jun 26-29, Vancouver, CA.
Miles R. Fly-Inspired Microphone for Directional Hearing Aids: Unusual Ears Lead to Smaller Microphone Technology. The ASHA Leader 2011 June 07. pdf
Steinmann A, Wu NE, Su QT, Miles RN. Sigma-Delta Control of a Biased and Initially-Displaced MEMS Microphone. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011; 28 Aug - 02 Sep 2011; 18(1); 3545-3550; Milan, IT. pdf
Book Chapter
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. An Operational Approach to the Acoustic Analogy Equations. Acoustic Waves – From Microdevices to Helioseismology, ISBN 978-953-307-572-3, edited by Marco G. Beghi, 2011 Nov. pdf
Ke C, Zheng M, Zhou G, Cui W, Pugno N, Miles RN. Mechanical Peeling of Free-Standing Single-Walled Carbon-Nanotube Bundles. small 2010: 6;(3);438-445 (www.small-journal.com). pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Viscous damping and spring force in periodic perforated planar microstructures when the Reynolds’ equation cannot be applied. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2010 Mar:127;(3);1288–1299. pdf
Miles RN, Su QT, Cui W, Homentcovschi D, Wu NE. Analysis and design of a MEMS (microelectromechanical system) directional microphone diaphragm with active Q control. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2010 Mar;127(3):1944. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Murray BT, Miles RN. An analytical formula and FEM simulations for the viscous damping of a periodic perforated MEMS microstructure outside the lubrication approximation. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2010 Apr ;(9):865-879. pdf
Younis MI, Ouakad HM, Alsaleem FM, Miles RN, Cui W. Nonlinear Dynamics of MEMS Arches Under Harmonic Electrostatic Actuation. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 2010 Jun; 19(3): 647-656. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. A re-expansion method for determining the acoustical impedance and the scattering matrix for the waveguide discontinuity problem. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2010 Aug; 128(2): 628-638. pdf
Miles RN, Su QT, Cui W, Homentcovschi D, Wu E. Analysis and design of a MEMS (microelectromechanical system) directional microphone diaphragm with active Q control. 159th ASA Meeting and NOISE-CON 2010 Apr 19-23; 4aEA13: Baltimore, MD. pdf
Su QT, Miles RN, Cui W, Shetye M, Wu E. Response of a MEMS (microelectromechanical system) directional microphone diaphragm with active Q control. 159th ASA Meeting and NOISE-CON 2010 Apr 19-23; 4aEA14: Baltimore, MD. pdf
Ramini AH, Younis MI, Miles RN. Modeling the effects of the PCB motion on the response of microstructures under mechanical shock. 11th. Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multiphysics Simulation and Experiments in Micro-Electronics and Micro-Systems, EuroSimE 2010 26-28 Apr. Bordeaux, FR. pdf
Cui W, Jones W, Klotzkin, Myers G, White B. Work in Progress - A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Microfabrication, 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference; Session T3E; 2010 Oct 27 – 30. Washington, DC. pdf
Cui W, Miles RN, Su QT, Homentcovschi D. A Bio-inspired Miniature Comb Sense Differential Microphone Diaphragm. Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress Exposition 2010 Nov 12-18. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. pdf
Miles RN, Su QT, Cui W, Shetye M, Degertekin FL, Bicen B, Garcia C, Jones SA and Hall NA. A low-noise differential microphone inspired by the ears of the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2009 Apr: 125;(4);2013-2026. pdf
Cui W, Su Q, Miles RN. A Robust Miniature Silicon Microphone Diaphragm Sensors & Transducers Journal 2009 Oct; 7, 63-77. pdf
Cui W, Miles RN, Su QT. The Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Novel Miniature Silicon Microphone Diaphragm. 2009 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show 2009 May 3-7. Houston, TX.
Cui W, Miles RN, Homentcovschi D. The Effect of Shape and Distribution of Acoustic Perforations on Squeeze Film Damping. 2009 Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2009 Aug 30 – Sep 2. San Diego, CA.
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Influence of viscosity on the reflection and transmission of an acoustic wave by a periodic array of screens: The general 3-D problem. Wave Motion 2008 Jan; 45:191-206. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Analytical model for viscous damping and the spring force for perforated planar microstructures acting at both audible and ultrasonic frequencies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2008 Jul; 124 (1): 175-181. pdf
Alsaleem F, Younis MI, Miles RN. An investigation into the effect of the PCB motion on the dynamic response of MEMS devices under mechanical shock loads. Journal of Electronic Packaging 2008 Sep; 130: 031002: 1-10. pdf
Qu J, Wu NE, Miles RN, Vargas H. Analysis of Active Damping of a Silicon Microphone Using a Linear Controller. 2008 American Control Conference, 2008 Jun 11-13, 3767-3773. Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA. pdf
Miles RN, Su Q, Cui W, Jones SA, Degertekin FL, Bicen B, Garcia C. A low-noise biomimetic differential microphone. Contributed paper and talk presented at the 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 2008 29 Jun – 4 Jul. 3228. Paris, France. pdf
Degertekin FL, Jeelani K, Qureshi S, Hasler P, Bicen B, Cui W, Su QT, Miles RN. Miniature diffraction-based optical MEMS microphones with integrated optoelectronics. Invited paper and talk presented at the 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 2008 29 Jun – 4 Jul. 3229. Paris, France. pdf
Vargas HV, Wu NE, Miles RN, Qu J. Robust Control Design for Resonance
Damping of a Directional Microphone. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress
The International Federation of Automatic Control 2008 July 6-11. 4424-4429. Seoul, Korea. pdf
Su Q, Miles RN, Cui W, Shetye M. Experimental characterization of a biomimetic differential microphone diaphragm (A). 156th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 2008 Nov 10-15. Miami, FL. pdf
Younis MI, Asaleem FM, Miles RN, Su Q. Characterization for the Performance of Capacitive Switches Activated by Mechanical Shock. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2007 Jul; 17 (7): 1360-1370. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Viscous microstructural dampers with aligned holes: design procedure including the edge correction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2007 Sep; 122 (3):1556-1567. Selected for 2007 Sep 10 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. pdf
Miles RN, Homentcovschi D. A boundary integral approach to analyze the viscous scattering of a pressure wave by a rigid body. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2007 Oct; 31 (10) 844-855. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Cui W, Miles RN. Modelling of Viscous Squeeze-Film Damping and the Edge Correction for Perforated Microstructures Having a Special Pattern of Holes. Proceedings of the ASME 2007 IDETC/CIE 2007 Sep 4-7. Las Vegas, NV. pdf
Miles RN, Liu Y, Su Q, Cui W. A Silicon Directional Microphone with Second-order Directivity. PACS 38.Kb, 38Hz. 19th International Congress on Acoustics, 2007 Sep 2-7. Madrid, Spain. pdf
Miles RN, Hoy RR. The development of a biologically-inspired directional microphone for hearing aids. Audiology & Neurotology 2006; 11 (2): 86-94. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Aubrey M, Miles RN. A two-dimensional model of a directional microphone: Calculation of the normal force and moment on the diaphragm. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2006 Feb; 119 (2): 756-768. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Viscous scattering of a pressure wave: Calculation of the fluid tractions on a biomimetic acoustic velocity sensor. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2006 Feb; 119 (2): 777-787. pdf
Younis MI, Miles RN, Jordy D. Investigation of the response of microstructures under the combined effect of mechanical shock and electrostatic forces. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 2006 Nov; 16:2463-2474. pdf
McNett GD, Miles RN, Homentcovschi D, Cocroft RB. A method for two-dimensional characterization of animal vibrational signals transmitted along plant stems. Journal of Comparative Physiology 2006 Dec; 192 (12): 1245-1251 (7). pdf
Cui W, Jones SA, Miles RN, Degertekin FL, Hall N, Bicen B. Optical Sensing in a Directional Microphone Inspired by the Ears of the Parasitoid Fly, Ormia ochracea. 19th IEEE Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems MEMS 2006 Jan 22-26. Istanbul, Turkey. pdf
Miles RN. Biologically inspired microacoustic sensors. 4th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, 2006 – Nov – Dec. Hawaii. pdf
Miles RN. Biomimetics-Smart Acoustic Microsensor. Fall Meeting of the New York State Section of the American Physical Society 2006 Oct. Potsdam, NY.
Miles RN. MEMS Technology and Biomedical Applications. 2006 Gordon Research Conference 2006 Jun. New London, CT.
Miles RN. Plenary Talk - Bugs in the Ear: New Directional Microphones Derived from Fly Antennae. 2006 Alexander Graham Bell Convention, 2006 Jun. Pittsburgh, PA.
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Viscous damping of perforated planar micromechanical structures. Sensors & Actuators A: Physical 2005; 119: 544-552. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN, Tan L. Influence of viscosity on the diffraction of sound periodic array of screens. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2005 May; 117 (5): 2761-2771. pdf
Younis MI, Miles RN. Response of MEMS Devices Under Shock Loads. Proceedings of IMECE2005: 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005 Nov 5-11. Orlando, FL. pdf
Gao J, Miles RN, Cui W. Stress analysis of a novel MEMS microphone chip using Finite Element Analysis. Proceedings of IMECE2005: 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005 Nov 5-11. Orlando, FL. pdf
Homentcovschi D, Miles RN. Modeling of viscous damping of perforated planar microstructures. Applications in acoustics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2004 Nov; 116 (5): 2939-2947. Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 2004; 10 (21.) pdf
Wu NE, Miles RN, Aydin OA. A digital feedback damping scheme for a micromachined directional microphone. Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference 2004 Jun 30. Boston, MA. pdf
Lockwood ME, Mohan S, Jones DL, Su Q, Miles RN. Beamforming with Collocated Microphone Arrays. Presented at the Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 2003 Nov 13. pdf
Yoo K, Yeh J-LA, Tien NC, Gibbons C, Su Q, Miles RN. Fabrication of biomimetic 3-D structured diaphragms. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2002; 97-98: 448-456. pdf
Miles RN, Cui W, Miller RA, Su Q, Tan L, Weinstein MG. Response of a biologically inspired MEMS differential microphone diaphragm. Proceedings of the SPIE AeroSense 2002; 4743-15. Orlando, FL. pdf
Miles RN, Cocroft RB, Gibbons C, Batt D. A bending wave simulator for investigating directional vibration sensing in insects. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2001; 110: 579-587. pdf
Miles RN, Gibbons C, Gao J, Yoo K, Su Q, Cui W. A silicon nitride microphone diaphragm inspired by the ears of the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2001 Nov; 110 (5) 2: Abstract 2aEA1: 2645.
Yoo K, Yeh J-LA, Tien NC, Gibbons C, Su Q, Cui W, Miles RN. Fabrication of a biomimetic corrugated polysilicon diaphragm with attached single crystal silicon proof masses. Transducers 01 Eurosensors XV: The 11th international conference on solid-state sensors and actuators 2001 Jun 10-14; 130-133. Munich, Germany. pdf
Miles RN. Biologically inspired directional microphones for hearing aids. Proceedings of the Second McMaster-Gennum Workshop on Intelligent Hearing Instruments 2001 Sep 30 - Oct 2. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada.
Miles RN, Tan L, Sundermurthy S. Design of a Biologically Inspired Directional Acoustic Sensor. Proceedings of the 2001 MSS Acoustic and Seismic Sensing, Magnetic and Electric Field Sensors Meeting, Applied Physics Lab 2001 Oct 23-26. pdf
Miles RN, Cocroft RB. A Biological Model for Directional Sensing of Seismic Vibration. Proceedings of the 2001 MSS Acoustic and Seismic Sensing, Magnetic and Electric Field Sensors Meeting, Applied Physics Lab 2001 Oct 23-26. pdf
Cocroft RB, Tieu TD, Hoy RR, Miles RN. Directionality in the mechanical response to substrate vibration in a treehopper (Hemiptera: Membracidae: Umbonia crassicornis). Journal of Comparative Physiology 2000; 186: 695-705.
Miles RN, Sundermurthy S. A biologically inspired directional microphone concept for hearing aids. International Hearing Aid Research Conference 2000. Lake Tahoe, CA.
Miles RN. Acoustic Sensing in a Parasitoid Fly: Applications to Acoustic Microsensors. Frontiers in Animal Behavior, Section of Neurbiology, Physiology and Behavior 2000 Jun 9. University of California, Davis.
Gibbons C, Miles RN. Design of a Biomimetic Directional Microphone Diaphragm. Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2000 Nov. Orlando, FL. pdf
Miles RN. Electronic/Biology Interface. Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Shaping Biomedical Research, National Institutes of Health. 2000 Jun 25-26. Bethesda, MD.
Jiang L, Miles RN. Passive damper for the vibration modes of the head actuator in hard disk drives. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1999; 220 (4): 683-694.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR. Tympanal hearing in the sarcophagid parasitoid fly Emblemasoma sp.: the biomechanics of directional hearing. The Journal of Experimental Biology 1999; 202: 1865-1876.
Miles RN. Mechanics of Directionally Sensitive Ears in Insects: Biomimcry for Novel Directional Acoustic Sensors. DARPA Resonant Biomimicry Sensor Workshop 1999 Jan 13-14. Rice University, Houston, TX.
Miles RN. Biomimetic Acoustic Sensors. DARPA Workshop on Air-Coupled Acoustic Microsensor Technology 1999 Aug 24-25. Crystal City, VA.
Sun JQ, Bao W, Miles RN. Fatigue life prediction of nonlinear plates under random excitations. ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 1998; 120: 353-360.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR. Tympanal mechanics in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea: intertympanal coupling during mechanical vibration. Journal of Comparative Physiology 1998; 183: 443-452.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR. Directional hearing in the fly O. ochracea: Mechanical coupling in acoustic and non-acoustic experiments. Proceedings: German Neurobiology 1997 Goettingen, Germany.
Miles RN, Tieu TD, Robert D, Hoy RR. A mechanical analysis of the novel ear of the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Proceedings: Diversity in Auditory Mechanics. E. R. Lewis, et. al. (Eds.) 1997; World Scientific: Singapore: 18-24. pdf
Xu Y, Miles RN. Full-field random bending strain measurement of a plate from vibration measurements. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1996; 19: 847-858.
Moccio CA, Miles RN. Measurement of the transfer function between bending strain and a transient load using a scanning laser vibrometer. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1996; 189: 661-668.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR. Directional hearing by mechanical coupling in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Journal of Comparative Physiology 1996; 179: 29-44.
Xu Y, Miles RN. Experimental determination of bending strain power spectra from vibration measurements. Experimental Mechanics 1996; 36: 166-172.
Robert D, Miles RN, Tieu TD, Hoy RR. Intertympanal coupling as an innovative mechanism for directional hearing in the parasitoid fly 0. ochracea. International Conference on Insect Sound and Vibration 1996. Woods Hole, MA.
Tieu TD, Cocroft RB, Miles RN, Hoy RR. Mechanical Model of the Vibration of the Treehopper Unibonia crassicornis. International Conference on Insect Sound and Vibration 1996. Woods Hole, MA.
Miles RN, Robert D, Hoy RR. Symmetric and Anti-symmetric Vibrational Modes for Directional Hearing in the Fly Ormia ochracea. International Conference on Insect Sound and Vibration 1996. Woods Hole, MA.
Xu Y, Miles RN. An identification algorithm for directing a laser beam in vibration measurements using a scanning laser vibrometer. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 1995; 22: 105-120.
Miles RN, Robert D, Hoy RR. Mechanically coupled ears for directional hearing in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1995; 98: 3059-3070. pdf
Masterson PA, Miles RN. Method for the determination of complex shear modulus of viscoelastic adhesives. Proceedings Smart Structures and Materials '95. La Jolla, CA.
Mehl J, Miles RN. Finite element modeling of the transient response of viscoelastic beams. Proceedings Smart Structures and Materials '95. La Jolla, CA.
Xu Y, Miles RN. Non-destructive evaluation of the structural damage based on strain distribution information. Proceedings Smart Structures and Materials '95. La Jolla, CA.
Miles RN, Bigelow S. Random Vibration of a Beam with a Stick-Slip End Condition. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1994; 169: 445-457.
Garrison MR, Miles RN, Sun J, Bao W. Random response of a plate partially covered by a constrained layer damper. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1994; 172: 231-245.
Miles RN, Bao W, Xu Y. Estimation of random bending strain in a beam from discrete vibration measurements. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1994; 174: 191-199.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR, A novel mechanism for directional hearing in a parasitoid fly. Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 1994. Austin, TX.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR. Directional hearing in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. International Conference on Insect Sound and Vibration 1994 Sep. Graz, Austria.
Miles RN. Spectral Response of a Bilinear Oscillator. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1993; 163: 319-326. pdf
Miles RN, Xu Y, Bao W. Estimation of Random Bending Strain Using a Scanning Laser Vibrometer. AIAA/ASME/AHS 34th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 1993 Apr. La Jolla, CA.
Robert D, Miles R, Hoy R. Structure and function of a novel tympanal hearing organ in flies. Society of Neuroscience 1993 Nov. Washington, DC.
Miles RN. Effect of Spectral Shape on Acoustic Fatigue Life Predictions. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1992; 153: 376-386.
Garrison MR, Miles RN, Sun J, Bao W. Effect of partial coverage on the effectiveness of a constrained layer damper on a plate. Second International Congress on Recent Developments in Air and Structure -- Borne Sound and Vibration 1992. Auburn, AL.
Robert D, Miles RN, Hoy RR. A novel hearing organ in an acoustic parasitoid fly. Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 1992 Oct. New Orleans, LA.
Miles RN. Acoustic Fatigue Life Prediction for Nonlinear Structures with Multiple Resonant Modes. NASA CR-190471 Final Report 1992.
Sun JQ, Miles RN. Acoustic Fatigue Life Prediction for Nonlinear Structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1991; 150: 531-535.
Miles RN. Slipping in Edge Connectors due to random vibration of a circuit card. ASME/JSME Joint Conference on Electronics Packaging 1991. San Jose, CA.
Miles RN, Bigelow S. Effect of intermittent slipping on the random vibration of a nonlinear beam. AIAA/ASME/AHS/ASC 33rd Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 1991. Dallas, TX.
Miles RN. Acoustic Fatigue Life Prediction Models. AIAA/ASME/AHS/ASC 33rd Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 1991. Dallas, TX.
Sun JQ, Miles RN. Acoustic Fatigue Life Prediction for Nonlinear Structures with Multiple Resonant Modes. Proceedings of the 30th Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 1990. Long Beach, CA.
Reinhall PG, Miles RN. Effect of Damping and Stiffness on the Random Vibration of Nonlinear Periodic Plates. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1989; 132: 33-42.
Miles RN. An Approximate Solution for the Spectral Response of Duffing’s Oscillator with Random Input. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1989; 132: 43-49.
Miles RN. An Approximate Method for Modal Analysis of Finite Periodic Structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1989; 134: 165-174.
Miles RN. Effect of Damping on the Predicted Fatigue Life of a Nonlinear Plate. DAMPING-89 Proceedings 1989. West Palm Beach, FL.
Miles RN. Equivalent Linearization for Fatigue Life Estimates of a Nonlinear Structure. Proceedings of the 30th Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 1989; AIAA paper #89-1355. Mobile, AL.
Miles RN. Equivalent Linearization for Fatigue Life Estimates of a Nonlinear Structure. NASA Technical Memorandum 101536 1989.
Miles RN, Reinhall PG. An Analytical Model for the Vibration of Laminated Beams Including the Effects of Both Shear and Thickness Deformation in the Adhesive Layer. ASME Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design 1986; 108: 56-64.
Reinhall PG, Miles RN. The Effects of Bond Imperfections on the Dynamic Response of Laminated Beams. Vibration Damping Workshop II Proceedings 1986. Las Vegas, NV.
Miles RN. A Modal Approach for Calculating the Vibration and Sound Radiation of a Periodically Stiffened Fuselage Sidewall Driven by a Turbulent Boundary Layer. AIAA 10th Aeroacoustics Conference 1986. Seattle, WA.
Miles RN, Reinhall PG. A Multi-Mode Analysis of the Nonlinear Response of Airplane Fuselage Structures to Intense Sound Fields. AIAA 10th Aeroacoustics Conference 1986. Seattle, WA.
Miles RN, Reinhall PG. The Nonlinear Response of Airplane Fuselage Structures to Intense Sound Fields. Developments in Mechanics, Proceedings of the 19th Midwestern Mechanics Conference 1985. Columbus, OH.
Miles RN. Sound Field in a Rectangular Enclosure with Diffusely Reflecting Boundaries. Journal of Sound and Vibration 1984; 92: 203-226.
Miles RN. Beam Dampers for Skin Vibration and Noise Reduction in the 747. AFWAL-TR-84-3064 Vibration Damping Workshop Proceedings 1984. Long Beach, CA.
Miles RN, Carroll MM. Decay of Sound in an Enclosure with Diffusely Reflecting Boundary. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1980; 68: 1:Q4.
Miles RN. The Optimization of Constrained Layer Damping Applications. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1979; 65: 1: RR4.
Miles RN. The Prediction of the Damping Effectiveness of Multiple Constrained Layer Damping Treatments. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1979; 65: 1: RR5.
Carroll MM, Miles RN. Steady-State Sound in an Enclosure with Diffusely Reflecting Boundary. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1978; 65: 1424-1428.